Global Services

Our mission at GK is to bridge the communication gap between your domestic market and opportunities overseas.

Central to this is our in-house translation, localization, and events business. Our team consists of experts from 5 different continents, and we leverage this international knowledge to provide best-in-class international services for your business needs. With our help, we can market your brand overseas to connect you with prospective customers and global collaboration partners.

Translation services that convey intent

Break through language barriers with professional translation.

There are countless machine translation tools at your fingertips that are ideal for personal translation on a day-to-day basis. But can you trust these tools when your business is on the line? When your writing is of critical importance or you are conveying your brand messaging internationally, only professional human translation can be trusted. Our human translation service is crucial to break through language barriers with the original meaning intact while being considerate of cultural sensitivities.

Whether you require expert English-to-Japanese (ENG-JP), Japanese-to-English (JP-ENG) translation, or any other language pairing, our team of highly skilled linguists stands ready to deliver translations tailored to your specific needs.

Go Further with Localization

Hi-Chew localizes its packaging for overseas markets.
A successful global campaign goes beyond word-for-word translation. Our localization services ensure that your brand’s voice remains consistent, yet adaptable, to evoke the desired emotions and perceptions in every market. From design and imagery to tone and terminology, we can work with your in-house product and design teams to localize your products or services.
Whether you’re launching a product or growing your brand awareness overseas, our holistic approach will make your brand truly global, yet locally recognized.

Deliver your message to the world at exclusive events

We work with keynote speakers and panelists on international events.
Your expertise matters. We partner with executive-level events to bring key speakers and subject-matter experts from around the world to give talks on change-making corporate initiatives.
Corporate leaders across the globe can learn from your experience of doing business with a Japanese approach. Whether you have given talks before or are interested in getting started in public speaking, contact us today to discuss how we can help share your story.

Get in touch for a free 30-minute consultation.

Grow your business internationally, create brand awareness and find new leads.  Contact our experts to propel your brand to the world stage.

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You can speak with a member of our team to learn more about our company